Simon’s Free Range Eggs

Simon’s Free Range Eggs

Based at their small family farm in Hookwood Surrey, Simon Cox, ably supported by his mum, dad, daughter-in-law, children, one dog and three cats, has been producing free range eggs for ten years since switching from dairy cows after 35 years.

The Cox family are committed to ensuring the very best welfare for their 4,000 Bovens Goldline hens and are proud to say that they are truly free range and that no pesticides are used on the grasslands where they live or antibiotics on their birds. The Cox’s subscribe to the five freedoms as laid out in the Welfare for Livestock standards: free from hunger, thirst, pain, injury and disease as well as free to express natural behaviour and free from fear and distress. Simon’s happy hens lay delicious eggs with good strong shells and golden yolks.